From Original Brochure... |
The Valiant 40 is a fast, offshore
yacht. Her clean and efficient design gives her a remarkable ability to point high
while footing fast and makes her safe, comfortable and exhilarating. She has a stable,
easily driven hull powered by a closed-winded, versatile rig.
Her hull features a modern split appendage, fin-keel and skef-rudder combination.
She has a graceful sheer rising to a flared bow and a salty, tumblehome canoe stern.
Minimal overhangs fore and aft, coupled with canoe stern, contribute to a long-
sailing length, with a bonus of increased space below decks. The bow flare is ample
for a dry boat and it provides both a safe, workable foredeck and reserve buoyancy
to keep the bow from diving in a seaway. Likewise, the stern parts a following sea in
the same fashion as a "double-ender" while adding sufficient reserve buoyancy to keep
the boat dry and reduce the chance of pooping. There is also a moderate bustle development
aft that increases the effective sailing length. Without question,
we feel that Valiant is the best-constructed production yacht in the United States,
built for serious, appreciative yachtsmen. Valiant 40: "The
Ultimate Bluewater Performance Cruiser."
Sail Area...................772sq.ft.
(Shoal draft 5'3")
Sail Area/Displacement....15.2
Beam/Length Ratio.............31
*External Lead